Higurashi Kai - Musubi File.01 Cover and info released!

>> February 28, 2008

The cover for the next Higurashi dvd - musubi 1's cover has been revealed to the public. This DVD contains episodes 13-14 of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai. It will include tons of special features and extras. It will be released March 21st. Title: DVD 捜査録 - 結(ムスビ) - file.01 (DVD Sosaroku - Musubi - file.01) Price: 6,930 Yen (tax included) (About US$69)


Anonymous March 4, 2008 at 10:19:00 PM PST  

i love the cover ^^

Anonymous April 30, 2011 at 9:40:00 AM PDT  

Is this just a forum?
Where can I buy this on the internet?
Apparently, Ebay doesn't have part II.

